I have been hoarding this dress without wearing it, for like a year and a half! I ordered this dress through Ruche, and I was so happy when I got it, and thought of so many ways to wear it, that I ended up not wearing it at all till this day. I always knew that I was going to wear it but somehow, I just never got around to it. Has this ever happened to you guys?
Sometimes you buy a piece of clothing with every intention of wearing it, but somehow, you just never do.
I sometimes think about all the cold and lonely nights it must have spent in my closet with all the other forgettables hanging in there, wondering how at any moment, it too would be the next in line to get donated. So sad and lonely are the days of a forgotten piece of clothing!
There are times when I say to myself: "Self... when are you going to stop shopping for more clothes and actually wear all the ones still hanging in your closet?!" I feel that most of the time, I ignore that part of me quite often, and I don't even bother to actually LISTEN to what I'm telling myself. I bet you guys are all saying how crazy I just sounded, but it's TRUE! Haven't you guys ever found yourselves saying the same thing?! Am I the only one who thinks this way or is it my mind playing tricks on me and my wallet?
All I know is that, I need to stop shopping and start going through my closet more often and wear the things I have in abundance in there. It's gonna be a tough road, but I gotta do it.
Sometimes I wanna do one of those 30 for 30 day things. You know, the challenge in which you wear 30 articles of clothing for thirty days to see how many outfits you can come up with. I wonder if I would have the discipline to do that?! It's a fabulous concept and whoever created it, deserves a medal for it. I mean, being able to make 30 outfits out of 30 articles of clothing and wearing only those for 30 days?! Is that even possible?! I think I may just have to try this out. Hmm????
The Limited Blazer: Marshall's
Polka Dot Dress: Ruche
Premium Opaque Tights: Target
Lace-up Booties,Necklace & Owl Ring: Forever 21